Wade Barrett

Stars in Progress: Extreme Rising, Wade Barrett, WWE Return

Christian ReturnChristian – One Step Up

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and that reason is precisely why I think WWE needs to take advantage of it more often. Take Christian’s upcoming return as a great example – his perceived value will be higher than it was when he left.

John Cena’s return at the 2008 Rumble was explosive.

Brock Lesnar was a top star prior to leaving WWE, but he was a MEGA-star when he came back. And no, I don’t think his success in the UFC was the only contributing factor.

Batista would be a much more popular — and effective — star if he were to return one day. Same for Goldberg.

Undertaker remains extremely relevant, and could remain so for many more years to come, as long as he’s only wrestling once a year.

Best example? The crowd turned Hulk Hogan babyface in an instant during his match with The Rock at WrestleMania 18, but did they continue that support during his world title run? Nope. Hogan is best in small doses these days.

Time off for superstars shouldn’t be as a result of injury alone. It could be the best character development they ever get in their career, depending on the timing and circumstances surrounding it. The Rock is the best draw in the business right now, but it’s not just because he’s a big movie star. His new would wear off too, eventually, if he were to ever become a regular participant again.

I don’t expect Christian to be headlining WrestleMania upon his return, nor do I think Vince would ever consider letting that happen anyway, but his time away has only helped him in the fans’ eyes. And IF they wanted to capitalize on it, WWE could. Again.

Follow Chris Cash on Twitter @RealityofChris or email him at chris.cash@wrestlezone.com. Also note, the Voice of Wrestling and VOW Reaction return live next Monday, January 7th, before and after Raw.