Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 11-23

Kofi KingstonThe Undercard Part Two

Kofi Kingston defeated Damien Sandow . This match was for the Intercontinental Championship, and was rather entertaining. Sandow works great with anyone, and showed it here with a true veteran. I am happy that Kingston continues to put on excellent matches each week. Mr. Reliable will soon get a bigger break, and I look forward to it. Let's discuss the psychology of the match first. With Kingston, it is all about a quick striking offense, while Sandow is more controlling, thoughtful, and instinctive. I loved the intensity each week with Sandow, and it showed when he shoved Kofi into the side of the right right before break. You can tell that Sandow is not the biggest, but each move is meaningful and smart. Kingston brought his offense back with a great arsenal of kicks, Boom Drop, and then would finish him off with a picture perfect Trouble in Paradise. After the match, Wade Barrett says Kofi will fall to him and the title will be Wade's. Even though I would love to see Damien hold the IC Title, I still think he needs a little more time to develop fully. For now, I like how they utilize him and feel that Kofi's personality will be much more improved after a feud with Wade Barrett. I am interested in this feud, and here is to WWE Creative Writers not screwing it up. Grade: B+

My question to the readers is this: Do you feel that Wade Bairrett should already be in the main event picture? What does this do for him and for Kofi Kingston? Also, I would love to get more interactive with you guys, so Tweet the responses to @JoshIsenberg4 and could be used in further articles.