Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 11-1

Bully RayThe Main Event

Impact had a main event, sort of, with Devon vs. Bully Ray. I knew from the very beginning that this would be a complete match. With the history between the two men, that match is only worthy of a Pay Per View. As the story with Aces and Eights vs. TNA, Bully Ray continues to be transitioning into a face. I am not in favor of this, but understand the overall point. Sting mentioned earlier in the night that a face would be revealed. I thought this is a great idea, revealing members each week. This week, Luke Gallows was revealed as a member. The name was never said, but the familiar face is what is most important. The next few weeks are huge to try and connect each member with the leader of the group. Consistency and logic are the two biggest points that need to come across over the next few episodes of Impact.

The only thing I want TNA to remember is that this storyline cannot overshadow the brilliance of Hardy vs. Aries. This is the money feud right now, and needs to get its fair share of time on television.


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