Superstar Spotlight

Superstar Spotlight: She Looks Good To Me…

Eve TorresEve Torres is currently involved in a storyline that features her as the WWE Divas Champion, and she is being accused of attacking Kaitlyn and stealing her title shot. What’s that you say? A Diva… with a storyline? I can honestly say the whole thing has been entertaining, and it’s all because of Eve. She has been on a roll ever since she aligned with John Laurinaitis, and things don’t look to be slowing down. Eve has come a long way since she won the 2007 Diva Search, and she has worked hard to get where she is. Eve has it all; she’s hot, she can talk and she can put on a good match. There are too many instances where people condemn Divas for being models, and they really only want to see the real ‘stars’ of the division. Eve is a star in the division, but too many ignorant people don’t give her enough credit. She went from being a manager to a full time wrestler, and you can see progress in her matches and she deserves to be a three-time Divas Champion.

Eve really made strides when she became an assistant to John Laurinaitis, and she gave her character alot more depth we were used to than the usual ‘proud face’ Diva. The best part about her character is that she really isn’t doing anything ‘bad’ yet, but everyone wants to implicate she has something to do with it. I will go out on a limb and say we haven’t had this much invested in a women’s storyline since Trish and Mickie went at it. Women’s wrestling has a place in WWE if it is executed correctly. TNA proved that a women’s division could work, and WWE seems to be giving their girls a bit more time to flourish.

Before I get any further, you need to look at how the ‘new’ Eve came about. She toyed with Zack Ryder and broke his heart, then made out with John Cena and used the Long Island Iced Z to get what she wanted. Of course WWE wanted us to boo her, but look at the facts; she didn’t share the same feelings as Zack, and told him that. She only turned on him after bragging to the Bella Twins that she wanted to get to Cena, but she wasn’t doing anything out the ordinary. Eve played with people’s emotions, just like when Trish and Christian turned on Chris Jericho, but she took it to another level. Eve is still playing with people’s emotions, but now she is using Booker T’s trust issues to get what she wants. Eve is trying to embarrass Teddy Long and get a higher position; we know she is up to something but she didn’t get caught yet. It is fun watching her act geniune towards everyone, but the best part is when she snaps and later apologizes.

Eve is really doing anything dirty to gain an advantage, she is taking advantage of other people’s negatives and exposing those weaknesses for her benefits. If Kaitlyn has a banged up knee, don’t you target the knee? It’s not a cheap shot, and focusing on injuries is a part of storylines all of the time, in fact a lot of matches focus on good ring psychology. As far as she goes with Teddy Long and Booker T, she’s still not doing anything wrong. She is kissing Booker’s ass and making Teddy look bad, it happens all of the time. Yes, the attack of Kaitlyn was wrong and Eve looks guilty, but she is playing it off as being innocent and just wanting good competition. She’s not that much different than CM Punk asking for respect, she’s not really doing anything wrong, and in their eyes they are right, but the fans are the ones who have the problem. It’s fun watching the dynamic between what the faces and fans think, and what the ‘heels’ have to counter that; it’s been more entertaining than the normal ‘bad guys do bad stuff’ formula we’re used to.

It’s been a while since the Divas have had a good program, but I would be fine with it if this is just the start. Eve is talented, and it looks like we are done with having models who just look good and can’t apply an armbar correctly. Everyone gave Trish Stratus the benefit of watching her learn, and she went from being ‘just a fitness model’ to arguably one of the best Divas of all time. Trish worked hard to get where she is, Eve is no different. Eve is using her position to get authority and win titles, it’s as simple as that. She is good at her role, and I hope they continue to focus on her instead of waiting for the next ‘real deal’ to come around. She busted her ass to get where she is, and she is doing a damn fine job of representing the Divas division.