Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Pro Wrestling Stables

Number 3: The Corporation: Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Test, The Rock, Triple H, etc.
Vince McMahon
With the ego and evolving character of Vince McMahon on screen, everyone knew he was the man who held all of the power. It was shocking, groundbreaking, and evolutionary to see him as a character on TV. This was a point where many people would buy into some parts of professional wrestling becoming real. By the end of 1998, they were the most powerful stable in the WWE. The Rock would win the WWE Championship three times while being a member of The Corporation. Every other title was captured by various members of this group at least once. The arrogant promos and his infamous walk down the aisle, Vince McMahon became an iconic figure. They were the heels, the bad guys, and had too much power. The fans hated them, and that was the point to get over guys like Mankind and Stone Cold Steve Austin. The rest of history.