Number 4: The Four Horseman
With many members coming and going, The Four Horseman will always be remembered with Ric Flair as the man. With solid in ring talent like Arn Anderson and Barry Windham, it was easy for Flair to thrive. You had talent surrounded by more excellent talent. Even though the talent pool was weaker in the 1980’s, these guys were just so good at loving and hating at the same time. With the success of Ric Flair, Arn Anderson was underrated. He was one of the best talents in the ring in terms of timing and execution. There was never a time where I can go back and say “Arn Anderson’s match sucked.” These men were the trail blazers of other stables to come through in the 1990’s. With everything they accomplished, championships and iconic backstage segments, it is only fitting that the Four Horseman be in the top 5.