Title This: WWE Raw 1,000 Reaction

CM PunkThe WWE Championship

What I Liked:

It was hyped to be an epic encounter, as John Cena would cash in against CM Punk. The Rock came out and put a beatdown on The Big Show. I thought earlier in the night when The Rock announced he will face the WWE Champion at the Royal Rumble, I was shocked. At first I did not like it, but I assume having Rock fight in 2 major PPV's are better than him in just one. He had great interactions with Punk and Bryan, and trumped everyone else on the microphone. The intensity was great, and having him talk with their two best workers only does positive things for them. I like what they did with Punk, but will they follow through?

What I Disliked:

The WWE Championship match was not great. What can you do with only 8 or 9 minutes of a match? Big Show interfered to cause the DQ, which I absolutely hated. The bigger picture was having CM Punk hit the GTS on The Rock. I was indifferent. I like Punk as a heel obviously, but is this actually going to be a heel turn? I doubt it because he is just as valuable in merchandise sales and profitability as Cena right now. I fear that they are going to keep Punk like he is, Cena like he is, and Show like he is. They announce a main event for January, but what about the next 4 months? It worked for Mania this year, but that is a different monster. I would much rather have them focus on the next 2 months and then have an announcement. I just feel the ending could have been much better in terms of a big completion. Money in the Bank became so irrelavant, and it made it look absolutely useless. Cena cashes in for a DQ and an 8 minute match. This frustrated me. Also, debut a new WWE Championship belt already. This was the perfect night.

Grade: B-

Raw 1,000 Grade: B+

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