Title This: WWE Raw 1,000 Reaction

The MizQuick Hits: Positives

Miz wins the IC Title. I really liked this. Christian does not need it, and Miz needs SOMETHING to keep his return going. Is it a downgrade from a year ago? Yes, but a huge plus from losing to Santino on the Extreme Rules Pre Show. Maybe he should have won the US Title? It is a lesser title in the eyes of the WWE.

DX reunion was great, genuine, and had some fun jabs inside of the comedy. I was shocked and pleased to see Sandow come out and take the finishers. He was hilarious in his robe with DX in the ring. That is a good rub for a guy who needs that Raw exposure.

The intro video for this specific night was incredible, magical, and really made me miss the old days. The new song seems pretty cool as well, and I loved the new graphics, set, and little pieces of production they improved on.

Mae Young's Hand… Best moment of the night. I couldn't believe that moment. Whoever came up with that idea needs a raise. Hilarious.

I laughed my ass off when they showed Funaki talk, Indeed. That recap video was also fantastic.

Quick Hits: Negatives

Brodus vs. Jack did not need to be done…AGAIN.

No Cody Rhodes? Hell, they should have had even a bit of a segment with him in it. I was perplexed.

Where was the wrestling at? I knew we were not going to get much, but it was hard to find it at all.

Trish and Triple H bit did not get over. Should have had Steph come in.

There was not enough Jericho, Sheamus, Ziggler, Del Rio, etc. The guys who consistently work day in and day out get the shaft.