Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 7-2-12

Daniel Bryan-Jericho and Bryan do a funny backstage bit with their catchphrases. They talk about Cena and Punk tonight

John Cena and CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan ends in No Contest

What I Liked:

The match itself was very entertaining. I felt like every guy was really on the top of their game physically. Bryan and Punk do such an excellent job at picking up the pace in every aspect of wrestling. The mat technique is great, especially with these two in the middle of the match. I rarely see wasted time or the match dragging on from a timing standpoint. Jericho and Cena also battled throughout the match, as their feud continues to progress. AJ comes out and basically toys with both men. It looks like she is going jump herself off the ropes and through a table, but Bryan and Punk stop her. She kisses Punk and shoves him onto Bryan and through a table. I can honestly say that this angle is completely different than a lot of what we have seen over the years. The acting is excellent and the selling of both men and their invested time is great. I feel like they continue to work with what they have, and that the story makes for a compelling finale at Money in the Bank.

What I Disliked:

AJ is slowly becoming more of a story than the title itself. They need to be careful not to overlook that, especially since Bryan and Punk will be at the main event level for the foreseeable future. There is never a huge payoff with Divas. Creative needs to realize when to step back a little bit and make the feud about the title more than AJ at times.

Grade: B+

Raw Grade: C

Follow @JoshIsenberg on Twitter. Reaction, over.

WWE Money in the Bank