Stars in Progress: Show Wins Tonight; Punk Down; Storm; More


I like the idea of bringing back past Raw superstars each week to promote and hype up the 1,000th episode of the program. They are really going out of their way to make that night special and I have a feeling it will be.

If only they could put that much effort into each of their pay per views.

Vader's appearance this past Monday was fun and it was impressive to see how little he's changed, physically and in the ring. He was always one of my favorite big men.

I pose the same question to you that I did my post-Raw show audience on Monday: Do you think WWE should consider bringing Vader in for a short long-term period. Could he be used TODAY as a transitional top guy while they're establishing new stars and/or waiting on old ones to return?

For the same reason Big Show could pull out an upset tonight, Vader could come potentially add some spark to the SD main event. WWE needs more depth, even if it's temporary.

I'm not talking title runs or anything (necessarily), but Vader could easily run two months challenging — and putting over — Sheamus. He could help establish a few younger guys as well before he exits the company again.

Your thoughts? Leave them in the Comments section below.

Chris Cash can be emailed at Follow him on Twitter @RealityofChris and be sure to tune in tomorrow night, immediately following Monday Night Raw, for "VOW Reaction". Visit for details.