The Cashbox: Live Impact, Flair/TNA, Ziggler, Orton Suspended


If you think Orton will be fired over this suspension, you're naive. If you think he'll be relegated to "midcard status" upon his return, you're probably going to be wrong, but at least that's a possibility worth mentioning.

The most likely scenario is Randy Orton returns and is welcomed by a HUGE push and subsequent title run!

In all seriousness, guys like Orton don't get punished the same way a lesser talent would, even when it's for an equal offense. Is it right? Maybe not, but I'm not necessarily going to argue it's wrong either.

WWE is a business. Randy Orton is a more valuable asset to that business than a guy like Evan Bourne or R-Truth. As such, Vince stands more to lose by punishing him with a lesser position on TV.

I don't even buy the argument that it's "risky". What's risky about taking advantage of Orton's time off and maximizing the time you DO have with him? If he gets a third strike, so what? You move on and reassess in a year. Injuries have kept stars out for longer periods of time.

I will admit that it's crucial WWE starts building new stars. I even provided free advice just now (click back a page) on how to begin with one in particular. You're welcome. But WWE needs to focus on that anyways. It should have no relation to Orton's situation.

I've also read where some experts claim Randy Orton should be "more" careful than others when it comes to the Wellness Policy, all due to his higher position in the company. I disagree. Guys like Evan Bourne don't have the history on top, and the respect/clout that comes with it, to warrant or justify infractions like these.

Their f-ups can keep them from becoming a valuable asset to the company. Orton already is one.

I'm not claiming it's fair, but it's a part of business. It's a part of life.

I don't see Orton's suspension as half-glass full or half-glass empty. I see it as a full glass any way you pour it. Young stars are given an opportunity they otherwise wouldn't get, and Orton will return with more relevance and momentum than he had when he left. Win, win.

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