Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 5-3-12

AJ StylesSamoa Joe, Magnus, and AJ Styles def. Daniels, Kazarian, and Kurt Angle:

What I Liked:

Great action with Kaz, Daniels fighting with Joe and Magnus. It seems like every match starts off hot tonight, and it continues tonight. You see Angle in the match try to control everything, including his partners. I liked the mental game they are playing with AJ inside and outside of the ring. I think this "secret" is a good thing, hoping it is not a colossial let down. Daniels sells in his expressions when speaking, and his pairing with Angle makes sense. It feels like its a 3-1 attack on the mentality and personal life of Styles. I love the work of Styles, including his offense on Angle tonight. Styles may have the prettiest spinng heel kick in the business. The finish was very well done, reversing into a Styles Clash.

What I Disliked:

There was not much to complain about here. We had a very entertaining match with 6 guys getting enough time to be spotlighted with their taletns. It also further pushed the angle involving Styles. Well done to further push it to the limits.

Grade: A-

In Ring Segment:

Snow, Flair, and Pritchard put over TNA Gut Check. Alex Silva comes out to the ring. Silva talks to the crowd about wanting this contract. Flair gives him a no at first, but then changes his mind and says yes. Pritchard says his mind has been changed and he gives him a yes also. Snow says yes, and Silva gets a contract.

Bobby Roode def. Ken Anderson in a No DQ Match:

What I Liked:

A very solid start to the match, with Anderson running out to attack the champion. I liked this, as I feel that Anderson needs this detail for his a**hole character. Roode does a great job carrying a lot of the mid match, especially with Russian Leg Sweeps that lead into a snap suplex. Great use of move transition here from Roode. The match was aggressive and was used solely to see Roode overcome the odds. Hardy comes out to try and attack Roode, but Anderson, not knowing, hits Hardy with a Mic Check. Roode used the chair and a Fisherman's Suplex for the win. Good call to have Roode capitalize on a mistake like that. Perfect usage of the heel.

What I Disliked:

I was happy to see RVD come out, but him immediately turning his back on Roode only for him to attack was illogical. I felt like they were not sure how to book Roode attacking RVD so they threw this together. It just did not make much sense to me to finish like this. RVD, realistically, will look for Roode and know where he is at.

Grade: B+

Impact Wrestling Grade: B-

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