Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 5-3-12

Jeff HardyRVD def. Jeff Hardy:

What I Liked:

A solid match between two guys who are very similar in many ways. Hardy and RVD rely on their athleticism and kicking abilities. You get the usual RVD offense, highlighted by Rolling Thunder. Hardy is able to hit a nice crossbody, connecting perfectly onto RVD. You can tell these guys know how each other think in the ring. The comfort level is great between them. I also felt the pace of the match was solid, and that both guys really worked hard to keep the match flowing.

What I Disliked:

Roode interfering devalues the win for RVD. He is the number one contender, not Hardy. Let RVD pick up a clean win, or even a win without outside interference. If he cannot cleanly beat Hardy, how do we expect to really have RVD go over to Roode? This just was not creative.

Grade: B+

Jeremy Borash calls Eric Bischoff a prick and says he hated working with and for him. Bully Ray drags Borash into the ring and says he is sick of all the anti bullying campaigns.  He says Borash should stop being a bitch and stand up for himself, but he can't/ This gets Austin Aries to come out. Aries says Ray is fatter because he eats more chicken wings and takes bigger craps. He makes fun of Ray by calling him Blubber Ray. Ray slaps the mic out of Aries hand, spits in his face, and a brawl ensues. Aries busts Rays lip open and security rushes out to separate them.

What I Liked:

Austin Aries shined here. He was able to be funny and quickly switch to aggressive actions soon after. Ray gets the best out of many of the faces in the company, and Aries was no different tonight. A great segment that ended with a solid brawl to show the hatred between the two. Great work by both men to further push their match at the next PPV. This was one of the better segments of the night, well done by both guys.

Grade: A