WWE WrestleMania 28

WrestleZone’s Top 10: Best WrestleMania Events

Number 2: WrestleMania XIV

The Rock

It was the beginning of the Attitude Era. Shawn Michaels was on his way out, but a man named Stone Cold Steve Austin took his spot and elevated it to new heights. Boston, Massachuttes got WrestleMania XIV and were not disappointed. A young Triple H would defeat Owen Hart in a solid bout to get the show rolling after a lackluster first two matches. After that, it kept getting better. Even though Rock and Ken Shamrock was short, it delivered quick and was able to get an up and coming star much needed exposure before the main events. I really enjoyed Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie against the New Age Outlaws. Tag Team Championships that were on the line never seemed so important personally between both teams. A point where Degeneration X was so important, each piece of that group got the time and exposure to really sell themselves as the top stable in the company. More personal feuds, as Undertaker would defeat his brother Kane in a solid match between two larger than life characters. Kane was at the top of his game and could easily  be considered their best and most hated heel. It all came down to the final curtain, Austin vs. Michaels with Mike Tyson at ringside as the special enforcer. This match did not disappoint, as Michaels and Austin fought brutally for a solid 20 minutes to tear the house down in Boston. When Tyson helped Austin win, the crowd erupted. Austin holding gold was such a moment that stands still. I can still hear Ross’s voice and his excitement. He knew, and we would soon find out that Stone Cold was the real deal.

8.5/10 Rating