Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 3-26

Kelly KellyKelly Kelly def. Eve Torres:

What I Liked:

If you are going to put time and effort into Eve, even if it is a small amount, then this was the right call to have her face off against Kelly Kelly. She was seen every week leading up to Mania, so I was happy they stuck with her and not flipped to yet another diva.

What I Disliked:

Everything about the match, the booking, and the outcome. The match seemed lazy, had no chemistry or flow, and did not do ANYTHING to get the fans interested in the match in Miami. Where was Maria, Kelly Kelly's partner? Oh, that's right, she has OTHER things to do. Why put her in a match when she has not been seen in a year on WWE TV? This makes so much sense. With the rumors she is in pain with broken ribs, one can only hope they salvage any of this simply by having Kelly Kelly announce Kharma as her new tag team opponent. At least the crowd of 70,000 will pop and show a mediocre gain of interest.

Grade: F

CM Punk vs. Christian Ends in a No Contest:

What I Liked:

We get another Jericho moment on the screen, talking this week about Punk's mother. Although there was no match, we saw a fire lit under Punk. Finally, Punk gets pissed off and takes it out on someone else. Jericho and Punk, I felt, needed to be broken up by security as Jericho would attack. They went another route, and I felt like this was a good call as well. Keep them away from one another until WrestleMania. Have the personal shot boil inside of Punk and let them really have a fast paced and aggressive fight at WrestleMania. You know they will deliver on all accounts. Also, Jericho attacking all of Punk's family is refreshing to me. It gets a rise out of the crowd each week, and whenever someone takes a shot at a mother, you feel that realism, even though we know it's fake.

What I Disliked:

Why Christian here? After the match, they rule him out of WrestleMania. I wonder if he is still not healthy and they tried to rush him back. They would not have wasted a whole segment on Smackdown a few weeks back with him if he wasn't the original plan. So, Christian is out and is replaced by Drew. Okay, I like it, but do not love it. You know McIntyre will get buried in the match and taken out early by someone like Khali. That is what always happens to him. Christian was added to this match to get brutalized and "hurt", thanks to Punk. This could set up a nice summer feud with the two as well if need be. Good work using him as the sheep and letting Punk really evolve his character that much more. He cannot keep relying on his slyness and arrogance to fight Jericho. I just wonder if this was the right call right now. Long term, yes, but short term we should have had Christian get dominated and then have Jericho attack. Get physical, there is already enough talking in the other two main events.

Brodus Clay def. Curt Hawkins:

What I Liked:


What I Disliked:

Everything. Same old story we have gotten the past two months. What is the point?

Grade: F


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