WrestleMania Prediction Machine Pt 3.

      US Title Battle Royal


I originally thought the United States Championship would feature Ryder’s revenge on Swagger, but Santino ruined my hopes and dreams. Based on the events of Raw, it appears as though the US Title will be the centerpiece of the ongoing feud between Johnny Ace and Teddy Long. With Drew McIntyre being fired by Teddy Long last week, I see Laurinaitis reinstating him and immediately giving him a title match against Santino. Chaos again will ensue, allowing Drew to walk away with the strap.


As Wrestlemania draws closer and the feud between the two General Managers continues to bubble, I think more mid to low card performers will get caught up in a game of Championship hot potato. As this plays out over the next few weeks, and numerous Superstars have a legitimate claim to the title, the best solution will be a championship battle royal at Wrestlemania. Even though not the cleanest of storylines, this match at least would be a short, entertaining method to give a number of guys some much needed Wrestlemania exposure.


In the end, I think the US Title belongs around Swagger’s waist. He’ll walk away from Wrestlemania as the champion, setting up an overdue rematch with Zack Ryder in the spring/early summer.


Smart idea to feature more than a single's match for the United States Championship. I would love to see Drew McIntyre come out shining brighter than ever here, but I doubt it. I really do not know what they will do with him, but a US Battle Royal at WrestleMania would be a great idea to insert guys who do not have anything to do. If you give Santino the belt up until Mania, it will create a "Milan Miracle" if he keeps it after Miami. They can really capitalize on his recent surge of popularity.

I do not think the GM Battle will be a direct correlation to the United States Championship like Adam suggests. If they do not go the route of a battle royal, I can see Santino and Swagger representing Team Long and Team Laurinaitis. I actually see this as a more logical choice since we already have the Intercontinental Championship being defended. Instead of a Battle Royal, I see Santino teaming up with Ezekiel Jackson and a Rey Mysterio to face off against Jack Swagger, Mark Henry, and possibly Miz or Del Rio. You could always add a fourth to each team, but the main point is a Team Long vs. Team Laurinaitis makes more sense in the  long run. It is more important than a title right now.

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 and @PolishHMR on Twitter. I thank Adam for contributing to this article.

For feedback, feel free to email me at Josh.Isenberg@wrestlezone.com