Mt. Killamanjaro: VOW Revisited – The Rock Returns

TOPIC 2: Should the Rock and John Cena Touch Until WrestleMania?

John CenaWhile this part of VOW was inadvertently cut off the final video, we did discuss the idea of Rock and Cena exchanging blows before the "Big Dance" on April 1st. Justin LaBar believes that the best possible option is for the two to hold off fighting until WrestleMania, so they can stare at each other from across the ring and have "that moment". I completely agree that it is ONE of many great avenues they could go down…but possibly not the best. 

The Rock

I was in Chicago when Cena delivered his finisher to the Rock. I believe Mr. LaBar was in New York when the Rock planted Cena with his; we've seen them fight before. When Rock and Austin met at WrestleMania 17 they did so after beating the hell out of each other for weeks! To LaBar's credit, the second time they met they did so as much bigger stars, and we had that "moment" with both men standing across the ring from each other. 

Look at the rest of Raw's contributions to the WrestleMania card. Undertaker and Triple H will be a war of words until they collide in the Cell. Punk and Jericho have already come to blows (and fought in the Chamber), but their feud will also be primarily a fight of back-and-forth promos. I can only take so many generic shots at Cena's manhood before I get bored of listening to the Rock… Let them fight through a sea of referees and security every week, and sort it all out in the main event of WrestleMania, because right now they both look like little boys having a pissing contest. And so far, Cena's is bigger…

LISTENER QUESTION: "Do you guys think there is so much legit heat between Cena and Rock?"

No. Both guys are incredibly hard to read outside of professional wrestling, because you never really see John Cena or the Rock being normal people. Unless you know either guy personally, I think there's a good chance you'll never really see them for who they are in "real life". This is more true with Cena than with Rock, but only because Dwayne has become more of a mainstream name outside of the industry.

Cena is Cena, and he's a company man to the last letter on his contract. Everything he does is business, and it's simply bad business to have real heat with one of the all-time greats, and your opponent in the main event of WrestleMania. I'm sure they're not picking out furniture or going on weekend trips together, but could you ever develop any real hatred for somebody that's going to make you several million dollars in a single night? 

TOPIC 3: Miz's Sinking Ship

Chris: Man the Miz is going down… [He] went over to Smackdown, lost to Sheamus, comes over tonight and puts over John Cena." … "He's a good worker – he's a trust-worthy worker."

The MizWe've all had a job where at one point or another we screwed something up. It's a part of life, and no matter how consistent or good we are at doing our assigned tasks, something bad is bound to happen eventually. Miz was on the biggest run of his career at this time last year – WWE Champion, main event of WrestleMania… The Survivor Series buyrates weren't his fault. We know that, he knows that, and I'm willing to bet that Vince McMahon knows that deep down.

When Rock leaves again and there is less high profile ass to be kissed, Miz will get another shot. Like Chris said, he's a good worker. Miz is one of the few heels to pull off media appearances and fan interactions. He works hard, puts in time on his days off, and most importantly he draws a reaction in and out of the wrestling ring. Remember, he might be a jobber right now, but he's still jobbing to the highest level of talent currently working in the WWE. There are a lot of people that would kill to lose to John Cena or Sheamus. 

LISTENER QUESTION: "…Cowboys rule!"

Come back and talk to me when your team doesn't tie with the Chicago Bears, and lose to the Detroit Lions. That, more than missing the playoffs, is the biggest burn in professional sport. 


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