Dolph Ziggler & CM Punk

Wrestlezone Presents: The Depth Chart (February Edition)

WWE Champion – CM Punk

CM PunkI’m going to level with all of you: Bobby Roode and CM Punk came within two points of each other to end this month. As it should be, WWE and TNA’s two major champions battled it out for pro wrestling supremacy. At the end of the day it came down to those two little points and a judgement call: is a lackluster month as WWE Champion more or less important than a great month as TNA Champion? The two companies are not equal, will likely never be equal, and shouldn’t be treated with the same level of significance. That’s not to put TNA down, because their free televised product has been excellent in recent months! It’s simple: CM Punk is the best in the world at what he does. 

Nick Paglino is the Executive Editor of and the co-host of the Voice of Wrestling, and can be seen hiding in the bushes on Twitter @NickyPags.

Nick Paglino: “If there was any doubt about Punk’s claim that he is the best in the world, then the return of Chris Jericho has quelled that doubt so far. Jericho’s debut has been far less than stellar, and Punk has looked a lot better in terms of promo and ring work.

Say what you want about CM Punk’s work since his “pipebomb” last July, but the one thing he has been is consistent with what he’s been given. Has he been given gold time in and time out? Of course not. But what he is given he works with to the best of his potential, and he definitely works to his potential in the ring. Here’s to hoping the impending build between him and Jericho towards WrestleMania will inspire some better work from Y2J, as he can’t rely on the jacket too much longer.”

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this month’s issue of the Depth Chart! A special thanks to all of our Wrestlezone writers who helped put this together and the boys (and girls) in the Wrestlezone Forum who helped me work out some of the more specific details in our system. Listed below are the official numbers for this month’s Top 50 in WWE and TNA.


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