Stars In Progress…Johnny Ace, “Look It,” Cole, HBK & More

Whitney Houston's death was shocking, but probably not surprising to those that knew her. It's a sad tragedy that is all too familiar in the wrestling business. There will be plenty of negative coverage in the next few weeks on Houston's troubles, addictions and life style leading up to her death, but she will ultimately be remembered for how great and talented she truly was. And rightfully so. Same goes for Curt Hennig, who truly was "perfect" in the ring and is now remembered as such. Hopefully, you all took a minute two days ago to remember "Mr. Perfect", as it was the 9 year anniversary of his death. I'm pretty sure if you did, your memories didn't include anything negative. Mine certainly didn't. In fact, I went out in my front yard and attempted to throw a touchdown pass to myself. I failed.


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