WrestleZone’s Top Ten: Gimmick Matches

Number 4: TLC Match

Whether it was used as a Tag Team propellar, a mid card feud, or as a main event World title match, Tables, Ladders, and Chairs may be the most popular match in the WWE. Started with featuring tag teams like the Dudley's, Hardy's, and Edge & Christian, TLC evolved the typical Ladder Match to new heights with the addition of tables and chairs. It has it's own Pay Pay View, has been contested for the World Championships, and have even made guys like John Cena look more athletic. TLC is dangerous, uses the street fight mentality, but keeps the tradition of climbing the ladder of success for the gold. A spear from the top rope on Jeff Hardy, an Attitude Adjustment through mulitple tables, and even Undertaker being thrown through tables to the outside from the top of the ladder, TLC has been one of my favorites and a crowd pleaser for many years. New heights have been reached, and a creativity like none other.


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