Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 1-23-12

Sheamus def. Jinder Mahal

What I Liked:

The match was alright, nothing different here. Sheamus basically controls the match, hitting his usual chops to the chest, side slams, and Brogue Kick for the win. This was all done to show Sheamus' dominance, as well as tease his potential win at the Royal Rumble. Wade Barrett and Sheamus continue their feud, which I am a huge supporter of. They both can build this past the Royal Rumble, and I would love to see them face off one-on-one in the Rumble match for a few minutes. Build these guys.

What I Disliked:

Where is the relevance of Jinder Mahal? He continues to lose, continues to regress, and continues to basically be a sheep in this feud. He is not necessary anymore, and I never liked him being involved. There are much better guys that could take his spot, and another loss shows how irrelavent he is in the eyes of the writers.

Grade: C+

Miz and R Truth argue backstage, and Laurinitis says whoever loses tonight will be the number one entrant in the Royal Rumble.

Brodus Clay def. Heath Slater:

What I Liked:

Another week, another same one minute match. Clay and Slater do okay with the three moves they were given to work with. What else is there to talk about?

What I Disliked:

Brodus in his white ring gear was awful. Not his color. Also, please make something happen here besides squash matches.  I want something else, and they need to give Brodus meaning. If you love this each week, then you need to rethink what is entertaining.

Grade: D


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