Stars In Progress…Y2J, Barrett, Crimson, The Rumble & More

Wade Barrett
One Step Up

A win over Sheamus is pretty significant these days. WWE might not be doing much with Sheamus in terms of a meaningful program, but it's clear they still take him serious when it comes to his win/loss record.

I wish Wade Barrett and Sheamus had a little more time to work with one another, but it seems as if Randy Orton was never going to be out for the reported six months. And as much as I like "The Great White", Barrett will benefit more from working with Orton.

We're heading into the Rumble and Randy Orton is the early favorite. I hate that. I'm a Randy Orton fan and will protest him being the winner this year. He doesn't need that win to get him back into the title picture if that's what they dicide they want for him.

If it was up to me, I'd have Barrett take Orton out of the Rumble and get that added heat. But it's not up to me and Orton will probably return and win. Of course, I can't imagine Jericho being in the Rumble at all if Orton winning is the plan.


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