Stars In Progress…Y2J, Barrett, Crimson, The Rumble & More

One Step Up

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I like Crimson. He's not the greatest wrestler. He's not the best talker. But he's not the worst either.

TNA can make up for his weaknesses in a variety of ways. Limit his time on the mic and when you do have him talk, give him a purpose and point to get across quickly. Short and sweet is ideal for Crimson when it comes to talking. Don't put him in situations to make him look weak or vulnerable. Crimson is a tough guy that looks tough. Allow him to be that.

Wrestling history proves you don't have to be the best wrestler or talker to be successful. TNA can coach Crimson. Highlight his strengths and attempt to hide his weaknesses while he works to improve them.

For the most part, I've enjoyed the recent pairing of Crimson and Matt Morgan, but I think it's time to separate them. Both men have a bigger upside as singles competitors. I just caution TNA to be careful when they do split them up. One likely turns heel and I'm okay with that being either man, but for Matt or Crimson to benefit from a program together, one needs to get a decisive victory at the end of it. It's impossible to protect both equally. Yet TNA (and even WWE) tries too often in these situations.


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