Stars In Progress…Orton, Brodus, TNA PPVs, Y2J & More

Each week, I take a look at today's superstars and their progress from the previous week. It's an OPINIONATED feature that encourages reader response. You can send me your thoughts regarding the content in this feature on Twitter @RealityofChris or simply leave a comment below. Let's get started…

Randy OrtonRandy Orton
One Rumored Step Down

Randy Orton is being discussed as the potential winner of the 2012 Royal Rumble. It's no secret that I'm a fan of Orton and I'll certainly be happy when he returns. However, I don't think he's a good option to win the Rumble. He simply doesn't need it.

Orton never needs an excuse to get back into the World Title picture if that's what WWE decides they want for him. He's the biggest star on Smackdown when the Undertaker's not around and fans accept him in that role at any time.

Most believe the Rumble winner will be a Smackdown guy due to the fact Punk/Jericho is supposedly set to be the Raw main event at WrestleMania 28 already. Orton may not need the honor of being the Royal Rumble winner in order to headline 'Mania, but Jericho doesn't either.

That's personally why I don't see Jericho being included in the Rumble match this year at all. I can only assume Vince has other plans for him. Therefore, I fully expect the winner to indeed be from the Smackdown side. Even if Orton returns, I'd rather it not be him.

Who's my favorite to win? It's hard to say when I don't know whether Vince trusts Daniel Bryan as Champion heading into 'Mania or not. If he does, then I could see Sheamus winning. If he doesn't, I could still see Sheamus winning and someone like Henry getting the title back at Elimination Chamber.

Look at that – I guess it wasn't that hard after all.

Nick Paglino and I will be looking at the Royal Rumble in-depth tomorrow night on the Voice of Wrestling radio show (7-8 EST on


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