What’s Bothering Me?: Tag Teams, Kane’s Promo, Taker/HHH

#2. Undertaker vs Triple H

Yes, it bothers me that this is the match it seems we're going to get (again) at WrestleMania 28. Now, before you go crazy, let me state that I absolutely LOVED last year's match between the two in Atlanta. It was the match of the year BY FAR, in my opinion. I have no doubt that both men will try their absolute bests to recreate that magic. They might even succeed. But as good as the actual match was earlier this year, the build-up was horrible.

Take the fact that it was actually their second WrestleMania match and not their first (like WWE wanted you to think) out of the equation, it never felt like a "big time" match to me. Following the previous two years where Shawn Michaels actually made you believe he could beat the Undertaker, Triple H never had a fair shot.

Undertaker's next match at WrestleMania is to go 20-0…it should feel HUGE! Without going outside of the company, there's only a few superstars I think could make it feel that way: Cena, Punk and Orton. Orton is probably going to miss 'Mania this year to due to injury and we know what Cena's plans are. We could very well know Punk's plans as well this Monday if the Y2J rumors are accurate.

We already know WrestleMania 28 has the chance to be the biggest ever. Rock/Cena will be amazing and will certainly take away from Undertaker's annual victory, but 20-0 should feel special. A third match between 'Taker and Triple H won't do that for me.

Adding HBK as guest referee will help, but not enough. Who cares if Shawn has to reluctantly count out his best friend and former tag team partner? He shouldn't help either man win because there's no payoff with him retired.

I'm afraid Undertaker's streak will a play second fiddle this year and a very distant one at that. Maybe even third fiddle depending on the build between Punk and his opponent.

If I were Vince, I think I'd have to seriously consider keeping Undertaker off the card this year.


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