Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 12/19

Opening Segment:

We hear a voice with the lights dim. It turns out to be CM Punk's, who has a drum roll going. He asks who won TLC, as Del Rio, Miz, and Punk's face appear on the screen. He yells me and out he comes. He talks about his victory last night, and also does the same for Dolph and Ryder. Ryder comes out to the ring, and Punk once again does the drum roll for the World Heavyweight Championship. Daniel Bryan comes out. They all talk about their victories. The heels, Miz, Del Rio, and Ziggler stand at the top of the ramp. They try to enter the ring but are fought off. They begin to brawl until Laurinitis breaks them up and books a 6 man tag team match for tonight.

What I Liked:

A very unique beginning, and did a great job spotlighting the champions. I really enjoyed Punk on the microphone, as he was able to get an even bigger pop that usual for Ryder and Bryan. Bryan needed this opportunity to be seen as the champion, especially for the people who did not order TLC. I really enjoyed the drum roll and the game show atmosphere. It was better than most one man promos to start off Raw.

What I Disliked:

Why didn't Henry come on stage? I wish we were given an actual opponent for Bryan. He needs to have a guy who he can feud with into Royal Rumble quickly, so his reign does not seem forced or rushed. I really want to see who they have in store from him, and not wait for a few weeks. This would have been an ideal time.

Grade: A-

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett:

What I Liked:

I did not mind seeing these guys fight again tonight. The feud can still go on for me, even though Barrett lost. I like how they feed off of each others offense to create their own. Barrett is more of the aggressor here, with Orton being the veteran and trying to work all angles of Barrett's weaknesses.

What I Disliked:

The ending. Wade really needs a big, clean win to become important enough to be a World Champion in the future. A DQ does not do anything for him. I like this feud to continue, but there needs to be a back and forth progression for Barrett to become more important in the fans' eyes.

Grade: B-


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