What’s Bothering Me?: Styles’ Injury, Triple H/Nash, Ziggler

I received a lot of good tweets this week from fans that follow me on Twitter @RealityofChris telling me what's bothering THEM this week in pro wrestling. Below are the few I've chosen to use. I'll give my response to each as well. Be sure to follow me on Twitter and submit what's bothering you each week for use in future editions of this feature.

@ItsKevolution says…"@TheMarkHenry getting pinned after 1 AA is bothering me. It's like the WWE doesn't like having their titles to have value."

CC's Response: I don't understand how Mark Henry losing after an Attitude Adjustment effects the value of the World Heavyweight Championship at all. It can be argued that it made HIM look weak, but the WHC doesn't lose anything. That being said, there were other guys WWE could have used on Raw this week to put Zack Ryder over. They were trying to go for the "impossible" scenario that Ryder wouldn't be able to overcome without the help of Cena, but was it necessary? Feed him Wade Barrett, Swagger, Rhodes…anyone other than your World Heavyweight Champion.

@punksgeneration says…"It begins, Taker or Jericho…Who cares? Enjoy the ride and relish in the fact that creative is being well creative."

CC's Response: People like me care because it's fun to analyze stuff like this. Otherwise, I would have nothing to talk about. However, I do agree with you on the creative aspect of it. These cryptic promos are an easy way to hype a date, return or debut and get fans excited about it. My hope is that it's not either of the men you listed. Give it to someone fresh. Undertaker definitely doesn't need another promo hyping his annual return and the "Save Us" videos that preluded Jericho's return didn't even end up helping him in the end.

@Schlauchy says…"What's bothering me in Wrestling is that @ringofhonor Final Battle gets rarely promoted on Internet Wrestling Pages!"

CC's Response: Well, you have done your job. ROH's "Final Battle" is officially promoted, right here on WrestleZone.com. Well done, soldier!


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