What’s Bothering Me?: John Cena vs The Fans

What's Bothering You?

Before we get to the number one thing that is bothering me this week, I want to feature a few Twitter responses I received this week from WrestleZone fans. I think it's an easier way to make this feature more interactive, rather than forcing you to send emails each and every week. Therefore, you can follow me on Twitter @RealityofChris and tell me what's bothering you each week. Some of them will be included in this column going forward.

@SUPERSIDHOM says…"What's bothering me is even after 3 huge pops for Daniel Bryan they still don't have 100% faith in him!"

CC Response: How do you know they don't? It's impossible to know whether they have "100% faith" in Daniel Bryan until they finally make the decision to give him the ball for real. I look at the past couple of weeks as a GOOD thing for Daniel Bryan and the fact that fans have supported him as much as you pointed out can only be a positive in the eyes of Vince McMahon.

@LITTLE_E_15 says…"Michael f'n Cole!! Can't stand hearing that man! He needs to become a manager already!"

CC Response: Why? He's a good announcer…when they let him announce. It's not his fault the spotlight is shined so heavily on his character. He draws HUGE heat from the fans, second to only Vickie Guerrero, and believe or not, I think he does more good putting over talent than he does harm not calling matches by the book.

@DANDTM says…"That I'm still waiting for Brodus Clay's (re)debut! At this rate Drew McIntyre will have had more RAW air time this year."

CC Response: I don't think you will have to wait much longer as Johnny Ace specifically said Brodus would return this Monday. He also gave a good explanation for why he's held him off this long. However, I know the real reason Brodus Clay didn't return on Monday to end John Morrison's WWE career is because Justin LaBar spoiled it right here on WZ. Damn dirtsheets!


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