The Cashbox: Survivor Series Preview and Predictions

Alberto Del Rio(c) vs CM Punk

WWE Championship

CM PunkDel Rio said on Raw that he would be the WWE Champion for a long time. I believe him. I think he holds on to it until the Royal Rumble and by that time, there should be plenty of options WWE could go with to beat him. I think Punk will still be the best bet unless WWE thinks the Cena/Rock match at 'Mania still needs to have the title attached. In that case, there's no telling what they'll do.

The problem I have with the WWE Championship scenario right now is this: Punk can't really afford to lose clean and Del Rio needs the clean win. When you consider who has the bigger upside going forward, it should be a no-brainer. Punk is the money guy of the future, but he's lost a bit of his momentum since the infamous shoot promo on Raw. He needs something to get him back on track. That might be the Championship.

Del Rio, on the other hand, also needs to be kickstarted back in the right direction. He's been mishandled in every way possible since winning the belt the first time.

It's a tricky situation WWE has put themselves in with these two men, but in either case, I think one of them needs to win decisively. Because of that, it's almost a sure bet neither men will.