Top Ten: Reasons Why Survivor Series Can Be a Game Changer

Number 2: The Cult of Personality

The rise of C.M. Punk is unlike any other. His popularity came from his hatred, his egotistical personality, and his desire to make WWE cool again. The crowd attached to him so quick, where everybody began to forget his long hair, his Straight Edge Society, and his lack of growth. Punk, with a victory at Survivor  Series, will prove to everyone that the WWE machine is fake, and there is a chance a self made man can become the face of the company. Punk needs this badly, to continue his push into 2012. He has so much riding on this night, a night where he could easily be engulfed in The Rock's spotlight, Nash's struggle with giving up his power, and Cena's potential change. Punk equals populairty and a cult like following no one else has right now.