Stars In Progress…Nash/HHH, Maryse Released & More

One Wobbly Step Up

I have mixed feelings toward the angle between Kevin Nash and HHH that played out on Raw this week. While I thought it was well produced, I'm more concerned with the story going forward.

As I mentioned in my Pay-Per-Review of Vengeance, I was excited about the possibility of Nash joining Miz and Truth to start a new heel faction. However, I'm hearing that Vince has changed his mind on the idea of groups in WWE. Especially when it comes to Survivor Series and the Rock/Cena tag match. Vince doesn't want anything to overshadow his number one priority that was put in place back in April. That's Rock vs. Cena at WrestleMania 28.

Kevin NashNow, it looks like Kevin Nash and Triple H will have more of a personal, one-on-one feud and match. Ehh. That's what I "didn't" want to see happen. It's not that I don't think they can pull it off because they can. Their history and real-life friendship will make the promos sound believable and the match emotional. But when you compare it to the alternative option and the "what could have been" scenario that we thought was the original plan, it feels disappointing as a result.

Kevin Nash – at this point in his career – should not be working single's programs. His purpose should be helping put over younger talent in some way, shape or form. Who benefits by Nash losing to Hunter? Clearly, Hunter. But again, when you compare that to the multiple guys that would have gotten the rub working with Nash in a dominant heel faction and the babyfaces that worked against them, there's really no comparison.

I give the Nash/HHH segment from Raw a step up, only because I found enjoyment in how it was produced this particular week, but I don't see it sustaining for weeks or months leading into their match, whenever that might be.


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