Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 10-10-2011

Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk/ What Happened:

The beginning of the match was perfect. Both men are feeling each other out, reversing moves and submission holds. Both men are working to one up the other. Punk gets the advantage. The match continues for a few more minutes, until John Lauranitis comes out to stop the match. He welcomes back Miz and R Truth, who will now face Punk and Del Rio.

The Miz and R Truth vs. Alberto Del Rio and CM Punk/ What Happened:

Miz and Truth are welcomed back, but are on the defensive for the most part. Good tag team work between Punk and Del Rio. They work on Miz and Truth, but we then see Del Rio leave the match. Punk is by himself, but Miz continues to beat down on Punk. Punk hits a big move, tries for the GTS, but Truth interferes. Both men beat down Punk, but Triple H comes out to aide Punk. He punches down Miz, and Punk hits Truth on the outside. Punk and Triple H clean the ring.

Backstage we see John Laurantis and David Otunga talking. He says Triple H and CM Punk will face Miz and R Truth at Vengeance.

What I Like:

The action of the match was good, not great. We get the ultimate ending of Triple H back in the ring at Vengeance. I feel like it is the right call, as the lack of faces on Raw has hurt them. Triple H is still a huge draw, and his teaming with Punk will be interesting to say the least. They went in two months from hating one another to teaming. They did it in a clever and not forced way. I appreciate how this has progressed, how it was not forced or rushed, and how they will team to fight against the same thing, but for different reason. They basically cost Triple H his job, and they interfered and tried to beat down Punk for good. The match was solid action, but it was all about the building of another story for Vengeance. All of this is a build to Survivor Series, isn't it?

What I Disliked:

Another Cena/Del Rio feud with no steam. Another WWE Championship with no story, no logic, and no reason to be happening. A rematch, that is it. Cena and Del Rio could have a solid feud with they were given time, but not seeing Cena at the end was a mistake. There needs to be some window as to why Del Rio and Cena are fighting, and a rematch clause is not enough for me.

Grade: B-

Raw overall: B+. Very close to an A, but if they found a way to put more in ring action around all of the talking, it would have been great. I am happy with seeing the beginning go from one extreme, and the end with Triple H basically returning to the ring. We got a lot of answers, but also get a lot of questions to be answered. Let time tell us how good this storyline will be. It is all about patience right now.

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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