Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 10-10-2011

Kelly Kelly and Eve vs. Rosa Mendes and Tamina/ What Happened:

A divas tag match with no meaning besides getting Kelly Kelly back on the winning track. A nice few spots from Tamina and Eve made this match better than the average diva match. Eve gets the victory, as the match lasts maybe 4 minutes.

What I Liked:

A tag team divas match that featured some athleticism. We get a little different vibe without Natalya and Phoenix, but they were at least shown which was needed. The action was okay, nothing spectacular, but no real botches.

What I Disliked:

Not having some sort of clarification as to what is going to happen in the Diva's division from here on out. Who is next in line? Is it Eve? I feel like it should, as Kelly Kelly should try and support her friend now, take a backseat and let the more athletic diva work with Beth. It won't harm her, and will just open doors for something new.

Grade: C

John Lauranitis comes out and Fires Jim Ross. Do not understand why he did this, but it makes you wonder how Jim Ross will be utilized now. My opinion is Ross could be the New Raw GM. He has a brilliant mind for the business, and is a likable character with at least some background in storyline creativity.

Mason Ryan and Air Boom vs. Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, and David Otunga/ What Happened:

A pretty entertaining match, giving the athleticism, strength and great in ring timing between these guys. Mason Ryan gets the powerful win by hitting his finisher. Air Boom has a new theme song, and were able to hold their own with bigger opponents. Swagger looked great, especially with a powerbomb on Bourne. The action was paced perfectly, and did not expose Otunga or Ryan's weaknesses.

What I Liked:

The abilities and good, solid, in ring action. We needed a match tonight that featured great wrestling, and we got it. Also, if they want to make Ryan the next star, they are doing the right thing. I do not agree with it, but Ryan getting another victory by basically doing nothing will get the crowd to recognize. Kofi and Bourne continue to gel more and more each week, and Swagger with Ziggler is a great pairing of Strength, Size, and technical expertise.

What I Disliked:

Again not having Zack Ryder involved with Ziggler. You have him win two weeks, but then he is not seen. I do not get what they are trying to do. Maybe his push ended quicker than expected, or they changed their minds. Either way, I do think it is a mistake not to have him involved, as I feel the US Title should go to him for a while to see what he can do with it. It frees up Ziggler to bigger things, as he is almost ready for main event status.

Grade: B+


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