Top Ten: Pro Wrestling Pay-Per-View Names

WWE WrestleMania: 1985-Present

This event will always be known as the "Super Bowl" of professional wrestling. Whether it is over 90,000 in Detroit at WM 3, or over 70,000 in Atlanta, they have always been able to build this show as a spectacle, a showcase of the immortals, and the must see event every single year. Name a celebrity and they have been there. Jam packed with so much entertainment, WrestleMania will always be the best name and biggest Pay Per View. Memorable moments include Hogan slamming Andre, Warrior beating Hogan, Michaels/Hart, Austin/Hart, Michaels/Taker, Rock/Austin, and many, many more. There will never be an event to match this, and the future is limitless. 21 different venues and cities, many major markets have carried this event. Without a doubt, WrestleMania is the best, most creative, and most historical PPV name in this business.

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