Title This: WWE Hell in a Cell Rapid Reaction

David Otunga asks Punk if he needed legal help. Punk denies, saying he hates lawyers.

Air Boom vs. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger for the WWE Tag Team Championship

What I Liked

The great athleticism between all four guys was great to watch. I really enjoyed a change in Air Boom, with Kofi being the partner beaten down throughout the match. We have seen Kofi be the "savior" the past month to Bourne. Swagger was aggressive and very artistic in the ring. With himself and Ziggler working together, you get the powerful athleticism mixed with Ziggler's unique athleticism. Both guys worked well with Kofi and Evan, and there were some nice spots in the match that reminded you why WWE missed tag team wrestling who could actually work. This was the most interesting tag team match to me, in ring specifically, in a while. They, like Jim Ross said, are making the Tag Team division relevant. Kofi and Evan work well together, and hit good double team moves.

What I disliked:

The ending was just okay. I feel like Vickie should have tried to help them win, but maybe cost them the titles. She has so much power right now with Dolph and Jack, so it would be fitting to see something she does go wrong. Then, she could be able to fix it a few weeks away. Do we see this again in 3 weeks? It is possible, but there needs to be a real continued push with Vickie expanding her clientele. Air Boom does not have a power partner, which can be limiting at times, but they escaped with a victory again. I would like to see a clear cut win for them soon to give them some credibility.

Grade of Match: B+


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