Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 9-26-2011

Kelly Kelly and Eve vs. Beth Phoenix and Natalya Review:

Phoenix and Eve start it off. Eve kicks Phoenix in the face, but Phoenix throws Eve down on the mat by the hair. Natalya and Phoenix hit a double team body press on Eve, as Natalya enters the ring. She locks in a leg submission, and stretches out her back. Natalya begins to beat down Eve, and Phoenix comes back in. Phoenix chokes Eve on the ropes, but misses a lariat. Kelly Kelly hits a flying Lou Theis press, and hits a huricanranna to Phoenix in the corner. Kelly Kelly gets a two count, but the two divas get taken down by Kelly Kelly. Phoenix hits her from behind, and hits a Glam Slam for the victory.


What should have happened last week happened tonight. They finally give them a big win, with good submission and decent moves. This actually was a Divas match that did not bore me or question the outcome. You can tell Kelly Kelly is so much better in the ring because of Natalya and Beth Phoenix. Considering the outcome and the actual execution of the match, this segment gets a B.

Mark Henry vs. The Great Khali Review:

Heny bashes Khali with the World Title before the match even starts. He hits the World’s Strongest Slam onto Khali. He yells to the crowd and says everyone will pay. No grade.

John Cena is shown in the back heading to the ring.

John Cena vs. Christian

Cena starts on the offensive, as he hits Christian with a backbody drop and makes a cover. Christian chokes Cena in the corner with his foot. Cena hits a fisherman’s suplex, but Christian regains the offensive with a dropkick from the top rope. Cena hits Christian with shoulder blocks after a failed move from the top. Cena reverses an attempted Killswitch, hits a back drop and connects with the 5 knuckle shuffle. Christian slides out of the ring. Cena throws Christian on the announcer’s table, as Del Rio blindsides Punk. All hell breaks lose, and Christian is DQ’ed after Del Rio hits a kick to Cena’s head. Punk tries to get to Del Rio, but he escapes.  Del Rio says they are all going to hell on Sunday, but he is the only one coming back.


A solid match between Cena and Christian, and it was great to see Cena/Punk/Del Rio all tangle together before the main event. They have such short time building this triple threat match, but I feel they did well with it, seeing that Punk and Del Rio are both really fighting with one another. It seems real, because Del Rio did beat Punk. Punk has a great presence on the announcer’s table, and made the match even more enjoyable. This segment gets a B.