Title This: Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 9-23-2011

Opening Segment Review:

John Lauranitis opens the show with superstars surrounding the ring. He says Triple H has lost total control as COO. Lauranitis says this decision was handled well by Triple H actually. He announced the new World Heavyweight Champion, Mark Henry. Out comes Henry, who tells us it has taken him 15 years to earn, and he says it will take 15 more until someone takes it away from him. He points out Ezekiel Jackson and Teddy Long who said they did not believe. Triple H comes out next, enters the ring, and wants to shake Henry’s hand. He gets the microphone instead, but Christian enters the ring. Christian sucks up to Hunter, saying he is doing a great job at COO of the WWE. Christian calls himself a big deal, and says Henry’s face could not be in billboards, on cereal boxes, etc. Christian says he needs to be the face of Smackdown, and needs one more match. Christian says after Hell in a Cell, after “you know who” chokes, he will lead Smackdown and be the face of the company. Triple H books a World Heavyweight Championship Lumberjack match, Christian vs. Mark Henry.


A different start to Smackdown with all of the superstars in the ring. I did not understand why John Lauranitis started it, only to have Hunter out five minutes after. I assume they want us to think there is some sort of power struggle happening backstage between the two, and we need to continue to see Lauranitis. He is so bad on the microphone, but his title is what is important. Henry stated the obvious, and it was nice to see Triple H and Christian talk about leadership. I feel there was some truth to this segment as well, because Christian is a veteran, he is someone that can carry a match, but not sure if he actually can be the face of the company. Either way, well done to build a main event and book it so quickly into the show. This segment gets a B.

Sheamus vs. Heath Slater Review:

Sheamus uses his power on Slater, as Slater tries to keep Sheamus in a head lock. He hits a shoulder block, as Slater shoves Sheamus. Sheamus continues to beat down Slater, ties him in the ropes, and hits his forearm chops to his chest. He follows it up with a high knee. Slater gets a quick swinging neck breaker, and punches away at Sheamus. He locks in a head lock, until Sheamus hits a scoop slam. Another knee, followed by a flying shoulder block. Sheamus connects with a Brogue Kick for the win.


An entertaining match, and I liked how they actually gave some offense to Slater. He sells moves well and is a great defensive wrestler. He does not over sell and has a few good moves in the ring. Sheamus continues to roll on Smackdown, and hit his usual offense. He really is gaining popularity from the crowd, as well as the big wigs in WWE. It is a matter of time before he is a staple in the main event picture. This segment gets a B.

Christian talks to Khali, asking for his help tonight.


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