Title This: Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 9-23-2011

Christian vs. Mark Henry in a Lumberjack Match for the World Heavyweight Championship Review:

Christian tries to escape, but looks at the Lumberjacks. Henry shoves down Christian, and connects with elbows to Christian. Christian hits some big punches, but Henry tosses him to the outside. Jackson, on the outside, knees Christian and sends him back into the ring. Henry thrusts his body onto Christian, and throws Christian up and lands on his stomach. Henry locks in a vice grip, but Christian kicks Henry in the face. He tries to hit a top rope move, but Henry catches him and locks in a bear hug. Christian avoids Henry in the corner, slaps Henry and tries to knock him down with a clothesline. Christian hits a dropkick from the top rope, goes back up and hits another dropkick to take Henry off his feet. Henry throws Christian off of him after a two count. he tries for the Killswitch, but Henry knocks him down once again. Henry misses a sit down splash, and gets to the outside. The Smackdown locker room attacks Henry, sends Baretta into the roster of stars. Christian looks scared, retreats to the back, but Sheamus comes out and throws Christian into the ring. Henry hits a World’s Strongest Slam for win. Randy Orton comes out, and is in the ring with Henry. He begins unloading punches to Henry. He hits a dropkick and sends Henry out of the ring.


A decent match between Christian and Henry, giving their limitations. The Lumberjacks were only outside because of the fear they see in Henry. They wanted to make Henry look even more dominant. Christian did enough to keep the match at a decent pace, and continued to see the progression of the feud between him and Sheamus. This match was not anything wonderful, but was different than the usual one on one or tag team main event. This segment gets a C+. Hopefully we can get Christian vs. Sheamus at Hell in a Cell as well.

Overall Show Grade: B-

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