Title This: Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 9-23-2011

Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan Review:

It looks like we have Sin Cara version 2. Bryan stretches out Cara, and hits an uppercut. They screw up a reversal, but Cara connects with a kick. Cara hits a flying body splash, but Bryan hits a german suplex for a two count. Cara hits a nice move on Bryan, and hits a hurricanranna, sending Bryan into the steps. Out comes the version one Sin Cara, who tosses V2 to the outside. He hits a Swanton Bomb for the victory.


A sloppy match, which is shocking considering Bryan is as good as it gets in the ring. We get the continued confusion of which Cara is which, even though we all know. They continue to bury Bryan for a storyline that really cannot go far. Bryan holding the briefcase is meaningless, and they need to get him into a feud where he can shine, and not sink. Nobody can take him seriously as a World Champion right now, or in the foreseeable future. It is a shame. This segment gets a C-.

Christian looks for Orton, but finds Zack Ryder, who says he cannot help him tonight. It would be a conflict of interest.

Air Boom vs. The Uso’s Review:

Bourne and Jay Uso start off the match, but Jimmy comes in. Bourne tries to hit a splash. He gets caught by both of them, and they hit a nice double team. Jimmy and Jay hit a move off the ropes, and then Jay does a running Rikishi type splash onto Bourne. Bourne kicks Uso as Jimmy punches him. Here comes Kofi, who unloads on The Uso’s. Kofi hits a dropkick, and then flies high and lands a splash onto Jimmy. Jimmy hits a huge kick to Kofi’s face, but only gets a two count. Kofi counters a double team move, tag in Bourne who hits Air Bourne for the win.


A pretty entertaining match with a lot of action. The pacing was fast and aggressive, as we got to see real tag team wrestling because of the Uso’s. They know how to work and know how to connect with their offense timely and without flaws. I wish this match was given some more time to build a storyline in the ring. I would love to see this continue to be an actual feud, as I feel the tag team division will begin to flourish with the proper teams. The match was entertaining, and aside from one missed move by Kofi, was pretty solid from beginning to end. This segment gets a B.


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