Title This: Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 9-23-2011

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes Review:

Orton starts off quickly, kicking Rhodes and sending him to the outside. Orton throws Rhodes into the barricade, and tosses him back in the ring. Rhodes reverses, by clipping Orton’s knee. Rhodes kicks and punches Orton into the corner, and stomps him on the mat. He continues to work on the knee of Orton. Orton fires back, as this is becoming a quick slugfest, back and forth. Rhodes throws his knee into the ring post. Rhodes tries to expose the turnbuckle, and uses his mask to knock out Orton. He gets a two count. Rhodes and the ref argue about his mask, but Orton blocks a kick and hits Rhodes with his mask for a DQ. Orton begins unloading on Rhodes with his mask. He hits his patented DDT, as the referees try to calm him down. He throws Rhodes to the outside, and smashes Rhodes in the face with the ring bell. Rhodes begins bleeding, and Orton clears the table. Orton says sorry Cody, hits an RKO on top of the table.


I loved seeing this segment. Going in, I wondered how they were going to make it different. Rhodes gets his bragging of beating Orton twice, but you saw the intensity and feel the emotions of Orton when he snapped. This is the type of character everyone fell in love with, the crazy and aggressive Orton that snaps at any point. We need to see this character now because we have to beleive that he can win at Hell in a Cell. This reminded me of when Edge was preparing for a Hell in a Cell match, as became insane and unpredictable. Well done by both guys. This segment gets an A. It was needed to see this aggression, especially with not much time to build a PPV.

Christian asks for Sheamus’ help tonight.

The Great Khali vs. Jinder Mahal Review:

Khali smacks Mahal on the chest, as Mahal retreats to the outside. Mahal kicks Khali in the knees, and hits a DDT. He stomps away at Khali, and applies a head lock to ground Khali. Khali throws Mahal in the air, landing on his chest. He continues to knock him down with punches, and hits a choke bomb. Khali pins Mahal with a boot on his chest.


A quick match that wasted time. It was not terrible but it also was not good. Do they ever want to build Mahal? I assume not because they continue to squash him in lower card storylines. I feel like Khali has nothing to lose if Mahal would get a victory. Why would they not try to utilize a guy who can actually wrestle? Mahal is not great, but he can be good if they expose him. Either way, this is a Superstars match, and I do not care if he is so marketable in India. I get that response all the time, but that ruins it for everyone else not in India. This segment gets a D.


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