Title This: WWE Night of Champions Reaction

Christian and Sheamus come to the ring and argue back and forth. Christian wants one more chance, and Sheamus fools him by agreeing… only to hit the Brogue Kick on Christian.

Segment Length: 7 minutes

John Morrison vs. Jack Swagger vs. Alex Riley vs. Dolph Ziggler for the U.S. Title

What I liked:

I really enjoyed the continues action throughout this match. We got the start of Swagger and Morrison fighting, as well as Ziggler and Riley. They teased us with Swagger and Ziggler throughout the match until they finally came face to face. There was good pace in the match, with excellent timing and storytelling. With four guys in the ring, there was a point where you could honestly feel that any of them could win. Morrison hit his flurry of moves, and then Riley took over. I enjoyed the double submission that was locked in from Swagger and Ziggler at the same time. Morrison hit a beautiful reverse DDT, as Riley may have the nicest spinebuster in the business. Swagger looked great in the ring, and Ziggler ended it by stealing a win from Jack.

What I disliked:

I disliked the amount of attention given to Vickie Guerrero on the outside. We already know the story with her, and do not need to be force fed it during the match. We saw her, and that is all that matters at this point. I also was a little upset with the ending of the match, as I feel Ziggler's reign as champion has become stale and boring. He has been stuck in this mid card position for quite some time now, excluding his short program with Edge. If you have him drop the belt, maybe he can feud with a Cena or someone that can really boost his overall character. Maybe in a few months he could move onto Punk, or turn face and feud with Del Rio. It is very tiresome to see him feud with the same handful of guys since February.

Length of Match: 9 Minutes

Grade of Match: B-

Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry for the World Heavyweight Championship

What I liked:

The first five minutes of the match went perfectly. You saw Orton trying to use his speed to take down Henry, which he did. You also got reversals and the A game from Orton in all aspects. He was able to keep the pace fast and fluent. I also liked the calculated attacks, attacking Henry's lower body. It makes sense to try and force a larger opponent down by taking out the knees. Henry, given his limitations, held his own as well. He will never be in a fast paced match with many spots, but he did what he could offensively, and sold Orton's moves. I also liked the hanging DDT, which hit without a glitch.

What I Disliked:

I did not like how it turned into a slugfest, because we all know who realistically would win in a slugfest between the two. Also, when Henry hit the World's Strongest Slam every week leading up to the Pay Per View, we were showed that Orton would never get up, but he does during the match? Yes, this always happens, but it made Henry's finisher look a little weaker. Orton was able to gain more offense and try to win the match after getting taken down by this. Also, Henry looked tired after a certain point, and I hated the kick to Orton's knee which was the deciding factor in Henry winning. Make it something that looks and feels more painful.

Length of Match: 13 minutes

Grade of Match: C


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