Title This: WWE Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 9-16-2011

R Truth vs. Evan Bourne Review:

Bourne and Truth start off quickly. Truth kicks Bourne in the head, and sends him over the ropes. Truth locks in a head lock onto Bourne, but Bourne hits elbows and struggles to get out. He reverses a suplex, and Bourne hits a knee to Truth. He begins to unload kicks to Truth, and hits a kneeling hurricanranna. Bourne goes up for his Air Bourne, but Truth gets out of the way, and Truth connects with his finisher for the win.


Eliminate the Mahal garbage and give that time to this match. Why would you waste time on a match like that when this one could use the extra time for a great match between two athletes. They worked quickly and effectively to remind us about the match on Sunday, but I would have loved to see these guys go one on one for about ten minutes, not four. This segment gets a C-, but it was enough to give the Miz and Truth the advantage heading into Night of Champions. I am excited to see how they book this tag match, as I feel they could feud for a few more months, until they want to break apart Miz and Truth.


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