Title This: WWE Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 9-16-2011

AJ vs. Beth Phoenix Review:

Phoenix powers AJ with a back drop to start things off. Phoenix hits AJ with a press slam, but AJ tries to punch her way out, and kicks Phoenix in the face. Beth then gets AJ up for the Glam Slam for the victory.


A quick and effective match to show the dominance of Phoenix. I feel like this storyline took a stoppage when Phoenix lost a month ago, but now it is back where it left off. Phoenix is by far the best in ring diva in the WWE, and has to win Sunday night if they want to book the divas in some what of a meaningful story. This segment gets a C, just because of the lack of wrestling and the continued progression, or lack there of, with Phoenix and Kelly Kelly. I wish we actually saw Kelly Kelly tonight.

Backstage Segment Review:

Edge and Trish are talking backstage, and enters Christian. All three Canadians are in the back talking about Summerslam, and Christian says everything is okay now. He asks Edge for a favor, and asks him to go to Long to see if he can get one more match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Edge says he won’t, and Ryder runs in to tell Edge that Orton and Henry cannot have contact.

Wade Barrett and Christian vs. Sheamus and Justin Gabriel Review:

Christian and Gabriel exchange moves, and a reversal gives Gabriel a two count. Christian hits a nice clothesline and begins to work on Gabriel. In comes Barrett, who kicks away at Gabriel in the corner. Gabriel gets taken down by Barrett, and chokes Gabriel in the middle of the ring. Gabriel gets to his feet, kicks Barrett, but Barrett lifts and throws Gabriel in the air, landing on his chest. Christian chokes at Gabriel, but Gabriel tries to kick out of this beat down. Christian whips him in the corner, and taunts Sheamus. Gabriel hits a modified front suplex, and gets the hot tag to Sheamus. Sheamus plows over Barrett until Barrett connects with a boot. Sheamus hits a scoop slam, and hits a running knee. Sheamus goes up top, but Christian grabs his foot. Barrett counters, but Sheamus hits some head butts and then flies with a shoulder block. He takes Christian to the outside, Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick, tags in Gabriel and he hits his 450 splash for the win.


An entertaining tag team match between these four with a solid pace and great in ring action. They were given enough time to build a story in the ring, to make a climax, and to finish. I was surprised to see Gabriel with the pin because he was the “weak” link in his tag team. Sheamus came in, cleaned house, and really energized the match. Barrett has so much talent in the ring, and it is only a matter of time where we get Barrett in the main event picture, as well as Sheamus. Christian was the reliable veteran getting over Gabriel at times, and continued to have great instincts when connecting with moves. This segment gets a B.

The Great Khali vs. Heath Slater Review:

Slater gets taken down quickly, but out comes Jinder Mahal yelling at Khali. Khali chops away and chokes Slater until Mahal and Slater double team Khali. Khali fights out of it with chops and boots to the face, and takes down Mahal. Mahal escapes.


This easily gets an F. You have a ridiculous storyline that nobody wants to see take up five minutes. Give that five minutes to Bryan and Cara, or even give it to someone who can put a match on, such as Tyson Kidd or Ezekiel Jackson. It made no sense having Slater trying to fight him off as well, and did not make Khali look strong. He weighs more than both of these guys combined. Terrible and a complete waste of time.


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