Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw 9-5-11 Reaction

Eve vs. Beth Phoenix for the #1 Contender for the Divas Championship

Natalya and Kelly Kelly are on the announcer's table. Beth and Eve go back and forth, reversing moves, until Phoenix throws Eve into the post, and stretches her arm out. Pheonix continues on the offensive, with a boot to the face of Eve. Eve gets back in this match with a clothesline and a flip onto Phoenix. Phoenix reverses Eve and hits the Glam Slam for the win.


A bland match with a few missed spots. Phoenix looked pretty good, but Eve just missed a few moves and looked rusty. Natalya attacking Kelly Kelly after the match made sense, as both "pretty" divas lay on the outside while Phoenix and Natalya look powerful and the more dominant divas. We get Beth and Kelly part two at Night of Champions. This segment gets a C-, just not a good match with very little to be desired.

Drew McIntyre and Christian are backstage talking. Del Rio enters and talks about Christian should take out John Cena. Del Rio tries to convince Christian to fight Cena.

R Truth and the Miz make their way to the ring.

Okay timeout. So far we have gotten 50 minutes of WWE Raw, with no Tag Team competitors noticed, a bland divas match, and a beginning segment that did nothing to enhance what we will see tonight. Triple H and Nash did okay, but Punk was completely misused and out of place. No solid matches, no mid card building, and no main event announced for tonight…Hopefully creative wakes up and gives us something to watch. A poor first 50 minutes of Raw.


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