Title This: WWE Super Smackdown Reaction 8-30-2011

Daniel Bryan vs. Sin Cara Review:

Bryan and Cara exchange arm drags, as Cara gains control. Bryan send Cara to the outside, and hits a dive right into the chest of Cara. Bryan kicks Cara in the chest, and then hits a dropkick to the face of Cara. Bryan uses the surfboard submission, and then locks in a great looking choke hold afterwards. Cara gains some offense sending Bryan to the outside. He leaps off the top rope and hits a body splash right onto Bryan. Bryan and Cara both go for the cross body, and knock one another down. Bryan chops Cara down with some kicks, until Cara reverses it and hits T bone type suplex. Cara hits his finisher onto Bryan for the win. Cara shakes his hand, and hits Bryan in the face after the match.


Okay, great match between the two. Timing was perfect, no botched spots, and both men used their skills to put on quite a performance. I wish Bryan would have won though, because he is Mr. Money in the Bank and should be a guy who consistenty wins. He gets pinned by Barrett, who gets squashed this week, and then lose to Cara, who has not even spoken a word. It is frustrating to see Bryan lose clean each week. Cara hitting Bryan after the match was interesting because we do not know what type of character he is going to be? Will he be a face, will he be a heel, and will he talk?  This could potentially open the door for the "real" Sin Cara to come in and feud for the right to get his Alias back. This entire segment to me, specifically the match itself, gets an A.

Backstage Segment Review:

Air Boom talks about winning the Tag Team Championships, and how they are going to enjoy the ride.


I like seeing them on Smackdown because they are supposed to compete in both brands. Good to show them and continue to promote them on both shows. We shall see who competes with them next. FYI, Bourne needs to learn how to speak without sounding shy and scared. This segment gets a B, because they are seemingly trying to put stock into this tag team.

Backstage Segment Review:

Matt Striker, once again, is backstage. This time he asks Christian is he can beat Orton in a steel cage. He talks about everyone being down on him, and he calls himself resilient. He says he does not care about the fans, and he does not need to validate his career just by winning the title. Christian wants the title, and that is what he is going to do tonight.


Okay, Let's get some more in ring action and spread out the interviews. Christian does not say much that we do not already know. I guess they are making sure everyone knows this is the last match between the two for the World Title. This segment gets a C, not because of Christian, but for whoever wasted seven minutes on two backstage interviews and a video package, back to back to back.

Beth Phoenix and Natalya vs. Kelly Kelly andd Alicia Fox Review:

Natalya drags Kelly Kelly around the ring a bit, double team Kelly Kelly with a shoulder block. Phoenix chokes Kelly Kelly, and Natalya kicks her in the head. Kelly Kelly tags in Fox, and she hits a nice crossbody off the top rope. Fox hits a flying elbow, and then gets met with a powerful slap to take her down. Phoenix hits Fox with the Glam Slam for the win.


Good to see Kelly Kelly not getting pinned again. Fox showed some interesting offense, and I was happy to see her improve over the past few weeks. I am not sold on her yet, but they did something right by putting those divas in a match and not stuck backstage. This segment gets a C. The match was rushed but still effective to a point of continuing a storyline the right way.


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