Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 8/22/11

Jack Swagger w/ Vickie Guerrero vs. Alex Riley Review:

Swagger uses his wrestling background to take down Riley, as he hits a nice powerslam. Riley hits a spinebuster on Swagger, as Ziggler comes out to the ring. Vickie and Dolph argue, as Swagger clotheslines Riley and Swagger sees Vickie falling to the ground. Ziggler and Swagger get into it, Swagger gets back into the ring, and Riley rolls him up for the victory.


This awkward storyline continues. Riley wins, in an unimpressive fashion, but is not really apart of the overall picture. Swagger and Dolph continue to feud with Vickie in the middle of it, but the matches have not done anything for me, especially when these three can actually wrestle. I like how they are pushing a mid card storyline, but the matches could be given more time, more build to something bigger and better. They still have four weeks to the next pay per view to figure it out. This segment gets a C.

In Ring Segment:

Triple H and Kevin Nash begin to talk in the ring. H talks about the text and how he did not send it, and there is no conspiracy. Nash says he thought he was going to do Triple H a favor. Nash appreciates his position that Triple H has, but he needs to be a man. He says he would have killed Punk, and is not an employee here, but won't stand for it. Triple H asks nash to leave, and out comes Punk. He wants to know who texted Nash. Was it Triple H, Nash, or maybe it was Stephanie. Punk talks about being a line stepper. Punk wants to kick Nash's ass, and yells at Triple H to trying to break him up. He yells at Hunter, asking why he is scared of him being champion. Punk calls out Triple H, and wants to know who is running the show. They get face to face, and Nash hits Punk and knocks him down. Triple H yells at Nash, walking away from the ring.


Is there anybody more real and believable on the microphone than C.M. Punk? It is not necessarily what he says, but how he dictates and uses words against everybody. He is given free reign and freedom of speech. Nash looked better this week, more comfortable, and I liked how he hit Punk and not Triple H. We still have no answer on the text, but this storyline is hot enough to last a few more weeks, hopefully the question will be answered by the pay per view. This segment gets a B+ because it did actually feel real when Punk got in the face of The Game. They also do a good job of stringing us along and make the fans wonder who and what is going to happen next.


Nash and Hunter talks, as Nash begins tell him that he has changed. Triple H asks him to leave.


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