Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 8-18-11

Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction August 18, 2011

Opening Segment Review:

Sting starts off the show by shaking and grabbing at his face, trying to mimic what happened to him last week. He talks about getting his ass handed to him by Hogan because Hogan still has it. Ric Flair makes his return.  Flair talks about Sting being called the "Icon" and how everyone wants to see one more match between these two men. Flair says if he wins, Sting must retire, but if Sting wins, Flair will serve Hulk to him on a silver platter. Flair tells him to think about it, because he means a permanant retirement, where he has to go home for good. Sting says he wants to ask the fans but the match is on. We see Hogan upset in his office that Sting is able to walk this week. Flair says not to worry, and walks out.


For what it is worth, this could actually work. Out of all the veterans Impact Wrestling has, these two can actually wrestle. I just do not like how Hogan is in the mix because we know he can't go. Flair and Sting have that history of great matches, so rehashing this feud as both guys in the downfall of their careers is alright with me. I like Sting's new gimmick, even though he never needed the change, but he is doing what he needs to make himself fresh, while Flair never misses a beat on the microphone. This segment gets a B.

Scott Steiner vs. Devon Review:

Steiner tries for an early attack, but Devon drops a few elbows on him to start on the offensive. A side slam, followed by a running corner splash gives Devon the advantage until Steiner reverses it with an elbow to the face. Steiner sweeps his legs from under him and uses the rope for leverage to win. After the match, Samoa Joe attacks Devon, and puts him in a submission hold, as Devon's kids jump the rail to help. Pope stops Joe from hurting the kids, and Joe leaves the ring.


Not a good match at all between these two old timers. The match was too short and too rushed. They tried to give Steiner a cheap win, but it just looked stupid. The aftermath of the match was interesting. We have seen this storyling with kids before, but I think everything in pro wrestling has been used over and over again. I like how the Pope is seen, even though he does not have to wrestle, because he is a good character with talent and a good look. This segment gets a C.

8 Man X Division Gauntlet: Kid Kash, Robbie E, Zema Ion, Jesse Sorenson, Tony Niese, Alex Shelley, Mark Haskins, and Austin Aries Review:

A lot of action in this match from beginning to end. We see Shelley and Haskins begin the match, both working well together with forearm chops and Shellley hits an atomic drop, but Haskins picks up the pin fall. Robbie E and Haskins are next, but E is gone quickly after arguing with Cookie and gets rolled up. Zema comes out and immediately hits a Tornado DDT, and hits his 450 splash for the pin fall. Jesse Sorenson tries to quickly roll him up, but he escapes and tries for another 450. His attempt fails and Sorenson hits a neckbreaker and pins Zema. Tony Niese and Jesse do not miss a beat offensively, but a few moves later, Sorenson hits a german suplex and a neckbreaker for the pin. Kid Kash is up next, and Kash misses a few spots, but is rilled up and pinned by Jesse. The final two are Aries and Sorenson, as Aries attacks with a Brain Buster and makes the pin for the win. Post-match sees Kendrick and Aries battle on the outside after he calls out Kendrick.


From beginning to end, I was entertained. I really saw a lot out of Sorenson in this match. A guy that seems to be the next great star in the X Division. He is not quite on the level with Shelley or Aries, but he shows that he is capable of carrying a match, or two, or three. Aries winning makes sense to me, and the Robbie E thing was a little lame. These guys can work, and make some exciting TV. I give credit for giving them enough time to make this gaunlet work, and not rush in and out every single guy. We saw good one on one work here. This segment gets an A-.

ODB vs Mickie James Review:

Both knockouts exchange offensive moves, with ODB connecting with a dropkick, and Mickie hits a few running clotheslines to counter her. ODB misses a Bronco Buster, and James is behind her to hit her signature DDT for the win.


I can appreciate a good women's match, but this was not one of them. I like James a lot, but I feel like if you have seen one of her matches, you have seen them all. If she works with a more athletic knockout instead of a powerful ODB, maybe she can shine more. There is no doubt she is a good worker in the ring, I just want to see more from her matches, and take away something that I do not always see weekly from her. This segment gets a D.

RVD vs AJ Styles in a Bound for Glory Series Match Review:

A good match between two guys who know how to wrestle. I will not break down every move from this match, as I highly consider watching it if you already haven't.  RVD hits his usual Rolling Thunder for a two count. The outside interference of Jerry Lynn stops the pace of the match. RVD yells at Lynn to get out, and AJ cuts off RVD as he attempts a Frog Splash. AJ tries a superplex but is thrown off the top rope, as RVD sets a Frog Splash, he is met with knees to the stomach. Styles ducks a spinning heel kick, and hits his own Pele kick. Lynn argues with the referee, pulls him out and the ref DQ's RVD.


I never have been a big fan of Jerry Lynn because he always has been one dimensional. They obviously want to keep a feud with RVD and Lynn, trying to recreate ECW matches. I get that, but I do not feel like Lynn is in a position of stardom like RVD is to even be on this show. There are many other people RVD should feud with, and Lynn is not even close to being one of them. This segment gets a C, should have been higher without the Lynn angle costing RVD the match.

Backstage segment:

Flair looks for sting, and has Gunner attack him. Sting begins to beat down on Gunner, as Flair fires him. Sting throws Gunner into some lockers, and tell him not to touch him, but he will go somewhere someday.

Crimson and Angle are now in the ring. Crimson talks about how he used to respect Angle. Angle says he does not respect Crimson. He calls him one of the young guys, and the roster was built around Angle. He talks about how putting guys over got him nowhere, and Crimson blames this change of heart on Hogan. Crimson says "if you meet me next week in the ring, I will show you why I am the future of TNA."

Tag Team Championship Match: Beer Money vs. Mexican America Review:

Anarchia and Roode trade elbows to start the match, but Storm and Roode use some real tag team wrestling to gain the advantage. Hernandez enters the ring, hits some offense, and MA hits a double shoulder block to take control. A hot tag is made to Roode as he begins to dominate Hernandez. He hits Anarchia with a DDT by throwing him into Storm. A double suplex clears the ring for Beer Money as they are in control. Rosita comes in the ring, while Karen Jarrett says she needs to help her Mexican sister. Anarchia gets laid out with a spinebuster from Roode, and Sarita gets in the face of Roode. Hernandez hits Roode in the head with the belt as the referee is distracted and makes the cover to win the match and the tag titles. Mexican America and the Jarrett's celebrate after the match.


A really good tag team match gone bad. Why do you need interference in this match? Especially when women cost "big, tough guy" a match. I really enjoyed the match until the end segment with the Jarretts. Once again, let this match just go for what it is, and that is four guys who know how to tag team wrestle. Make the finish cleaner and more impactful, not drawn out and predictable. This segment gets a C.


Impact Wrestling gets a C. We see bad booking in what should be good matches taking place. I would have liked to see the X Divison guys in some sort of tournament instead of throwing them in one match, but the gauntlet was entertaining and different that one on one matches. I wish they got even more time on TV to show why they are the best thing going in TNA. Sting/Flair/Hogan still shows you what really matters to this company. The main event was solid, but the booking and finish left me complaining once again why this company is hard to take so serious at times. Let your wrestlers wrestle, and show off why you have some great talent. Do not waste it on useless females, or from Veterans who cannot go anymore. I feel like I keep repeating myself, but it is their biggest problem. It is inconsistency that makes this show far from good.


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