CM Punk Interview with Eve Torres: Wow is all I can say here. I cannot believe WWE acknowledged Hardy’s arrest this past week on PPV. I feel very mixed about this. For one thing, Punk never actually said Hardy was arrested, and it was on PPV so there were far fewer people watching than would be watching if it was on free TV. But on the other hand, acknowledging that a former employee was involved in a drug related issue is probably not the smartest business move. Purely from a character stand point it was brilliant, as Punk speaking about Hardy’s recent arrest indirectly validates everything The Champ preaches on a weekly basis. But from a company standpoint, I’m not so sure that including Hardy in the Punk promo was entirely smart. I can guarantee you this: if Hardy was still working for WWE, Punk wouldn’t have even mentioned his name. I’m not going to rate this because it wasn’t a match, but it was well done by Punk, controversial, and finished strong, so it was a good fit in the flow of the show.