Full Metal Mayhem: Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. British Invasion vs. Booker T & Scott Steiner: This was a great brawl. Given everything we’ve read about Scott Steiner’s current physical condition, it was amazing to see him work so hard in last night’s match. He had a great flurry of offensive during the middle of the match, and showed that he’s still capable of delivering the goods at a big event such as Bound For Glory. Team 3D also shined in this match, and it was smart giving them the IWGP Tag Team Titles, although I still think those are useless titles as they’re meaningful in Japan, but seem disregarded by a majority of TNA fans here in the States. Having two sets of Tag Team Champions amongst the men is confusing and unnecessary to me. TNA could definitely simplify here. I agree with the decision to keep the belts off of Beer Money as they are such an over tag team with the crowd that it’s better having them chase the titles at this point. The issue is they’re not gonna get much of a rub working with The British Invasion as these guys are about as boring to watch as Hornswoggle taking a nap. They need to step it up or they’re going to drag the tag team division down which seems to have decent momentum at this point. 7 Stars.