TNA Legends Title Match: Kevin Nash (c) vs. Eric Young vs. Hernandez: I really liked the story line heading into this match, with Eric Young driving a wedge between Angle and Nash by offering a larger sum of money to Nash than Angle offered for the bounty on Young’s head, it’s just a shame that I don’t like Eric Young very much. I said in my Bound For Glory preview that I didn’t think the smart choice was to have Young win this match, as there’s nothing he really can do to elevate the title or the talent he works with. It seems to me like his winning last night will lead to a battle between him and Nash as he one-upped him last night and scored the pin fall, and I’m just not that interested in seeing this thing go in that direction because I don’t think it will lead to many interesting match ups nor title defenses. The other issue is where Hernandez goes from here. I hope he doesn’t remain in this mix as he deserves much better. He can’t benefit from being involved in what’s essentially an issue between Young and Nash, so maybe the silver lining in this situation is that Hernandez can move on and into some engaging feuds. 4.5 Stars.